Contact us


Phil Stebbens

Tel: 01482 868243

Email Phil



Jeremy Jeffery

Tel: 07801 216642

Email Jeremy



Jeremy Jeffery

Tel : 07801 216642

Email Jeremy

Welcome to the Beverley Men's Darts & 5&3s League


This site is for players, pubs and anyone interested in playing in the league. We hope that this website will be well used by league members, pubs and other interested parties. We have tried to include the sort of information you will find useful but there is always room for more!  To contact us with any ideas either email us or fill in our contact form.

Follow us on Facebook.  Click Here to go to our Facebook Page 



Spring 2025 Fixtures Released


Fixtures for the Spring 2025 season have now been confirmed.


Monday Trebles league starts on 13th January with the Doubles league starting the day after on 14th January.

All Fixture lists are available via the links on the left of this page or via those below.


Monday A League

Monday B League

Tuesday Doubles League


Thursday Mixed Domino League - Remains suspended.







Summer 2024 Fixtures Released


Fixtures for the Summer 2024 season have now been confirmed.


Monday Trebles league starts on 3rd June with the Doubles league starting one week earlier on 28th May.

All teams in the Doubles League will play each other 3 times.

All Fixture lists are available via the links on the left of this page or via those below.


Monday A League

Monday B League

Tuesday Doubles League


Thursday Mixed Domino League - Remains suspended.







Notice of Annual General Meeting




MONDAY 20TH MAY 2024 at 7PM




1.      Chairman’s Report


2.      Treasurer’s Report


3.      Secretary’s Report


4.      Election of Officers


Current Incumbents are :-


Chairman                                                       Phil Stebbens

Treasurers (Joint)                                          Phil Stebbens and Phil Hunter

Secretary                                                       Jeremy Jeffery


General Committee Members                     Dan Little

                                                                                    Scott Clark

                                                                                    Lee Bardsley

                                                                                    Anthony Smith

                                                                                    Ian Haigh


Any persons wishing to be considered for election to any of the above positions are required to have a proposer and seconder and any such consideration should be submitted to the Chairman or Secretary in writing not less than 14 days prior to the meeting.



5.      Proposals for Rule Changes       


Any suggestions for changes to our league rules need to submitted to the current Chairman or Secretary in writing not less than 14 days prior to the AGM.   Submissions after this cut off point will not be considered.


6.      Any Other Business 




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Entry Forms For Summer 2024


Re-designed Entry Forms for the Summer Season 2024 have now been released and will be distributed shortly to give all teams both old and new plenty of time to get themselves sorted.


Please note that a seperate form is now required for each team.  This is to allow easier filing and also now includes contact details for the venue and the Captain.  These contact details will only be held by the Chairman and Secretary and will not be released to any other team or player.


Entry Form


Thursday Mixed Domino League - Remains suspended.







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Winter 2022 / 2023 Hall Of Fame


After a hard fought season resulting in the closest finish ever in the race for the title we can congratulate the following.


Trebles A League

Winners - Dog & Duck B

Runners Up - Ship Inn


Highest Finish - Kirk Skargill - 143

Fastest Leg - Rich Durham - 13


Trebles B League

Winners - Queens Head A

Runners Up - Durham Ox


Highest Finish - Ben Armstrong - 156

Fastest Leg - Jamie Newman & P. Hayton 15


Doubles League

Winners - Beaver

Runners Up - Moulders


Highest Finish - Mike Oxtoby & Chris Fraser - 101

Festaest Leg - Mike Oxtoby - 18


Cup Winners

A League - Beaver A

B League - Hainsworth Park

Doubles League - Moulders







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Dean Cronan Memorial Knockout


Dean Cronan 

Monday 9th January 2023. The DEAN CRONAN trebles board memorial knockout will be held at the Grosvenor club. This is open to all register players from our leagues and the Beverley ladies league. Non registered player may be allowed to enter depending on numbers. The early rounds will be run on the 9th and the event will then have a finals night in March at the Moulders

This is a charity event so we will be running bus stops etc.
Entries are £3 and can be given to me at Beverley camera centre or I will accept entries by messenger or over the phone. I can not accept entries via our facebook page. There will be trophies for the winner and runner up and a small cash prize. Hopefully we can raise a glass to Dean and raise a few pounds for a charity of his families choice. entries close on the 7th January 2023

Please support this event but do not enter if you are not going to attend. If this is as good as the MIKE LANGTON memorial event it will be a cracking night 




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Summer 2022 Hall Of Fame

 Congratulations to all of our player who took part in our Summer 2022 Season.


It was not without it's challenges, but with the co-operation and support of all teams, players and landlords we had a successful season.


Well done particularly to the following.


Trebles A League

Winners - Beaver A

Runners Up - Ship Inn

Wooden Spoon - Queens Head B

Highest Finish - 161 - Kirk Scargill

Fastest Leg  - 12 - Andy Arnott


Trebles B League

Winners - Sun Inn B

Runners Up - Ferguson Fawcitt

Wooden Spoon - Lord Nelson

Highest Finish - 160 - J. Wild

Fastest leg - 15 - Dave Dalton


Doubles League

Winners - Beaver

Runners Up - Dog and Duck

Wooden Spoon - Grapes

Highest Finish - 140 - Craig Hunter

Fastest Leg - 20 - Mike Oxtoby




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Winter 2021/2022 Hall Of Fame

 Congratulations to all of our player who took part in our Winter 2021 / 22 Season.


It was not without it's challenges, but with the co-operation and support of all teams, players and landlords we had a successful season.


Well done particularly to the following.


Trebles A League

Winners - Beaver A

Runners Up - Ship inn

Highest Finish - 156 - Danny Florentin

Fastest Leg  - 11 - Mally Hunt


Trebles B League

Winners - Sun Inn

Runners Up - Angel

Highest Finish - 156 - Billie Pardoe

Fastest leg - 16 - Mike Claxton


Doubles League

Winners - Beaver

Runners Up - Dog and Duck

Highest Finish - 130 - Chris East





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22nd July 2019


Players from the Beverley Men’s Darts and Mixed Domino League came together at the Sloop Inn on Monday 22nd July 2019 to take part in a knockout tournament in recognition of Michael Langton, a player in the league who sadly passed away just prior to Christmas last year.


The turnout was magnificent with 72 of our members taking part in what proved to be a very competitive event with some excellent darts being played, of course alongside some others which could be described as mediocre at the best, but all players involved enjoyed the night.


After a long, and hot, night we were able to crown John Winder the winner of the tournament, defeating Mike Boynton two games to one in a final that could easily have gone either way with high checkouts and great recoveries abound.


Congratulations also go to Mally Hunt and Scott Clarke whom were the defeated semi finalists, but accredited themselves well throughout the night.


Richard Price, landlord of the Sun Inn in Beverley, where Mike used to play from, organised the charity fundraising on the night alongside Leon Bruce, a fellow member of the team.  A magnificent £260 was raised on the night which will be donated to Hull and East Yorkshire Mind.


Richard stated “This was a fantastic evening with an outstanding turnout considering it was also Beverley races night and the heat! The darts community in Beverley never ceases to amaze me and along with Jayne and the guys from The Sun Inn our thanks go to everyone for turning out and for donating some fantastic raffle prizes, to our chairman Phil Stebbens and secretary Jeremy Jeffery for their superb organisation. As well as being our darts captain Mike was a friend to us all and we loved him dearly, he would be so proud"


Mike’s partner Jayne attended the night and stayed on to present the trophy to our winner John.


Chairman of the Beverley Men’s Darts and Mixed Domino League, Phil Stebbens paid tribute to Mike on the night and thanked everyone for their support.


Jeremy Jeffery, secretary of the league added.  “Mike was a popular player in the Darts League who was liked by everyone and was always gracious, both in defeat and victory.  He, quite properly, would celebrate his victories, but also was quick to praise players whom defeated him, freely congratulating them and holding no malice.  He enjoyed his darts nights playing from the Sun Inn and all opponents looked forward to playing in games that he was involved in.”




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2016 Hall of Fame

Congratulations to all players on another successful season, played fairly and competitively with some excellent darts played and many close matches resulting in many of the "ups and downs" only being decided right at the end.

Trebles A League

Winners - Beaver A

Runners Up - Daker Arms

Relegated - Green Dragon & Armstrongs

Highest Finish - 170 P. Forsyth (Beaver B)

Cup Winners - tbc

Trebles B League

Winners - Forresters

Runners Up - Humber Keel

Highest Finish - 164 G. Dixon (Moulders B)

Doubles League

Winners - Dog & Duck

Runners Up - Grosvenor A

Highest Finish - 128 - M. McCleary

Cup Winners - Grosvenor A - Runners Up Dog & Duck

Dominoes League

Winners - Forresters A

Runners Up - Durham Ox

Round Robin Cup Winners - Sloop 


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Join us now on Facebook

Click Here to go to our Facebook Page 

The facebook page is designed to compliment this site and not replace it. It is designed to be used as an additional source of information and allows members to interact more with other players and teams in the league.

This site will remain the main source of information on the League.





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Summer league 2011 fixtures

The fixtures for the current leagues are available now to view online. These are image copies of the actual fixtures lists issued to the teams/pubs at the start of the season and may not be suitable to print off. A printable version of the fixtures for the Summer 2011 leagues will be available shortly.
You can download the fixture list on the right hand side of this page in the 'League tables' panel.



Coming up
2025 Spring Season Highest and Fastest Finishers

Highest Finishes

A League

160 - Steve Taylor

B League

119 - Andrew Smith


120 - P. Bruce

Fastest Finish

A League

15 -  Steve Taylor

    -   Andrew Chapman

    -  Pete Forsyth

B League

14 -  Gary Hardman

Doubles League

19 - Dean Lowe

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